Featured Concept with the FBA

16 Handles Joins the FBA!

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16 HandlesThe FBA is pleased to announce that 16 Handles has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!

This is 16 Handles!

As today’s most innovative frozen yogurt brand, 16 Handles is just as much about fun as we are about flavor. We’re different from other frozen yogurt concepts today. We encourage our fans to “flaunt their flavor” through an endless variety of frozen dessert goodness served in an energetic, fun and eco-friendly environment. But we’ve also sparked a cross-generational revolution that encourages creative expression “outside the cup.”

Why Join 16 Handles?

16 Handles was born in New York City’s East Village, surrounded by numerous competitors who forced the brand to think differently about the frozen yogurt experience. Four years later, those competitors have stepped aside as 16 Handles has grown to become one of the highest producers in the system. With nine locations in New York City alone, and new locations popping up all over the east coast, now is the time to Flaunt Your Flavor with 16 Handles.

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