
Featured Vendor Spotlight: Macro Business Capital

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Macro Business Capital

Without the right resources, connections and knowledge, financing a franchise can seem like an impossibility. Bankers and lending institutions are more stringent in their qualifications than ever before. Many otherwise worthy borrower-candidates have been declined for funding, for numerous reasons.

Macro Business Capital has a solution

Macro Business Capital is a Minneapolis-based 13-year-old financial services company that specializes in providing unsecured business lines of credit, requiring NO COLLATERAL. This funding process has allowed many franchisee candidates, who would not otherwise have qualified for SBA financing, to achieve the needed funding for their franchise.

This type of funding is ideal for any franchise candidate who has a good credit rating, but may lack sufficient liquidity, real estate collateral, income-to-debt ratio, employment tenure, etc. required for traditional bank financing. None of these are required for Macro’s Business Line of Credit (BLOC) program, and funding is available for 100% of any project. Target amounts range up to $150K for an individual, or up to $300K for two partners, such as husband and wife. Macro also offers a 24 hour approval period.

Why put your assets at risk if it isn’t necessary ?

Most banks require real estate collateral to secure the loan for a franchise. Macro’s BLOC program requires no collateral. Requirements are simply a good credit history and a proper corporation entity. Macro also assists in setting up the necessary corporation, if needed.

Some highlights of the Macro Business Capital funding program:

* Funds can be used for any purpose, any industry

* Multiple lender relationships are established

* Lines of credit may be used again and again

*Interest rates are competitive with traditional financing

*Introductory rates as low as zero percent

*Simple application process, limited documentation needed

*24 hour approval process

* All credit reporting is to the business credit file, not to the borrower’s personal file

In times of strict financing requirements, Macro Business Capital’s BLOC program can be the difference in a potential franchisee being approved for funding or being left on the sidelines. They welcome all inquiries from franchisors, franchise consultants, startup franchisee candidates, as well as existing franchisees who wish to expand.

“I want to thank you. I was skeptical that you could get me $100K, let alone in 90 days. But you have proven yourself. I am happy to report that my new business will open next week.” Jerry G. , Bloomington, MN.

“I have worked with Macro Business Capital since the first part of 2010 in referring potential franchise candidates for funding. I have found their service to be very effective, and their guidelines to be more flexible than traditional means such as the SBA loans.”   John Briches, Franchise Consultant, Sarasota, FL.

To contact Macro Business Capital call (800) 980-0790 or email melcooksey@mbcfunds.com or visit www.macrobusinesscapital.com/ssi

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