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*Today’s post is from FBA Member Robert Slatkin on his recent deal with CertaPro Painters.

Vantage Franchises

We’ve all seen polls, articles, and studies trying to determine “America’s Best Brand.” Is it Apple, McDonalds, Coke, Google? The arguments go on and on, and each year the same top 5 names seem to just get switched around.

I would like to nominate a Brand that is often overlooked by almost everyone in these discussions, but could possibly be the most relevant one to those of you reading this article. The Brand I am referring to is David Brand. For those of you that don’t know David, you should make it a point to get to know him. He is the Regional Manager of Recruiting for CertaPro Painters; North America’s largest painting company, and a preferred Franchisor with the FBA. David and I just closed a challenging deal together. The way he conducted himself only solidified the high regard I had for him since we first met, and inspired me to write this.

David is what I call “a difference maker.” By that I mean someone who can have a materially positive impact on your business. If there is a problem, and there is a possible solution, he will find it.  He will go out of his way to satisfy your clients, and, because of all this, his knowledge, work ethic, and CertaPro’s attractive, segment leading Franchise, the bottom line is that he will put more money in your pocket (if that’s important to you).

Here are some specific reasons why, to me, David Brand stands out:

  • He does what he says he will do. (Okay, this means he already stands above 80%-90% of “the pack”)
  • He does not avoid issues, he deals with them.
  • He provides intelligent and creative solutions.
  • He acts with honesty, directness, and integrity.
  • But, the biggest factor that, I believe, sets David Brand apart from other Franchisor Representatives, is that he truly becomes your Partner in the process like no one else I know.

I am not saying there are not some excellent people to work with throughout the franchise business. I know there are, and I have had the privilege of working with some of them. But, I am saying that with David, there are no ego battles, no attitude problems, and no antagonistic behavior, unless you are bringing it.  Again, working with David is a partnership. What a difference that makes! And what a pleasure! Without going into all the details, without David Brand, there is absolutely no way my recent CertaPro deal gets done. Period.

So, for all these reasons, he gets my recommendation and vote for America’s Best Brand!

Contact Information:

Robert C. Slatkin, President

Vantage Franchises

A Division of Vantage Business Group, Inc.

*I consider David my business partner when doing CertaPro deals, a trusted advisor, and a friend.

*I have no financial interest nor receive any kind of compensation for anything I have said or written here.


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