Featured Concept with the FBA

Anago Cleaning Systems Joins the FBA!

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Anago Cleaning SystemsThe FBA is pleased to announce that Anago Cleaning Systems has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!

Break the Corporate Chains and Master Your Future!

The ultimate American dream is being in complete control of your destiny. Anyone, from any background, can overcome incredible odds and lead a life most only dream of. What’s the fastest way to take control of your destiny and lead the life of your dreams? Starting your own business!

In this land of opportunity, most of us ignore our urges for independence and settle for a mediocre job that pays the bills and makes us feel secure. But is being an employee really that secure? If your employer is losing money, they are going to look for ways to “trim the fat.” And, no matter how great an employee you are, or how long you’ve been there, you’re at risk. Maybe the company will lower costs by replacing you with someone who will take a lower salary (and in this economy, it is a buyer’s market). Maybe they will outsource you for pennies on the dollar. Or, if you are lucky and make the cut, maybe you’ll be doing twice the work for the same salary.

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