Annual Convention Recap – Welcome Reception

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We kicked off our annual convention with a Welcome Reception for all attendees and exhibitors.  The convention is held to connect Brokers with Franchisors and help them build mutually beneficial relationships.  What better way to start a two and a half day event than with a casual and fun cocktail reception?

Two days of courses, training and trade shows can be daunting, so we try to lighten the mood and make introductions easier through the official opening event.

This year, having the annual convention in Orlando, FL afforded us the opportunity of hosting the event on a rooftop patio in downtown Orlando.  We were surrounded by the lights of the city, reflections on Lake Ivanhoe, and the warmth of an October evening in Orlando.


FBA Members and Franchisors who had attended last yea’rs event took the opportunity to catch up with one another, and new faces embraced the opportunity to meet those they’ve heard about, read about and were looking forward to network with.  Drinks and appetizers were shared by associates, colleagues and friends.

For an internet-based association the FBA embraces the chance to meet face-to-face the members we communicate with on a daily basis.  Relationships were not only established here, but strengthened.



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