
Discussing Franchise Territory Changes and Approving Agreement Modifications

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I had my client come into the office to discuss the territory changes.  It seems his daughter had spoken with him as well and indicated that there were some bad areas in the territory he wanted to be in.  This was excellent because it was a consistent message to what I was telling him.  When we spoke I showed him the territory on the map and the extra areas I had carved out and requested from the Franchisor.  He agreed that the territory was great.  After all, we had negotiated a territory that was almost double of the size of what an average territory consists of with this franchise.  That meant my client has double the opportunity to make a great living with this franchise and that is what I aim for, giving the biggest advantage to my client up front while still being fair.

The attorney, Eric Riess, sent the modifications to the Franchise Agreement directly to the Service Team of Professionals.  Because the FDD was so fairly written, there were only a few things that he requested.  When the Franchisor received it, he said that everything Eric asked for was fair and that they would agree to our terms.  An addendum was created and added to the agreement.  By using our franchise consulting team, we got the client a bigger territory, a better royalty, an easy exit clause and extra protections in the case of business challenges.  It was a win for all parties and we were very excited to see the willingness of the Franchisor to help our client succeed.

Learn more about using a Franchise Broker here.

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