The Power of Dynamic One-Sheets and Enhanced Listings on

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The landscape of franchising is constantly evolving, and as a result FBA is in constant pursuit of innovation and excellence. During the relaunch of, an array of new tools and technology was introduced to our members–empowering both franchisors and brokers to streamline their processes.

This empowerment was discussed during a recent mentoring call with FBA’s CEO, Sabrina Wall, and the brokers in our Co-brokering program. The discourse centered around the new, highly-praised feature: Dynamic One-Sheets.

A Transformation in Franchise Brand Presentation

FBA brokers have crystal-clear objectives. One key goal being to introduce candidates to GOOD franchises. To do this at scale, quickly, building presentations quickly is essential.

Understanding the crucial function that listings serves in the sales journey, FBA has innovated and transformed our previous one-sheet tool into something far more potent. Franchisors can now showcase their brand’s identity by uploading branded one-sheets directly into our FLS, from where brokers can effortlessly promote them to candidates.

The introduction of this feature has had a dual impact:

  • For Franchisors: There’s a genuine sense of enthusiasm and satisfaction in being able to provide their well-crafted one-sheets for enhanced exposure. This tool has not only facilitated an increase in brand visibility but has also led to a richer repository of current content, ensuring that franchise listings remain vibrant and up-to-date.
  • For Brokers: The accessibility of downloading these one-sheets directly from our FLS has been a game-changer. Now, they can offer their candidates a captivating and professional introduction to the franchise brands they’re interested in, providing a solid foundation for their decision-making process.

Consider the alternative: a candidate encounters a bland, generic one-sheet, void of any compelling brand-specific messaging. This does little to communicate the franchisor’s marketing power – which is pivotal, as it serves as the initial touchpoint and testament to their ability to market their franchisees’ future business. A well-designed one-sheet is proof of the franchisor’s marketing acumen.

Previously, a gap existed where some franchisors did not upload their one-sheets to the FLS, leading to an incomplete marketing package for brokers and a missed opportunity for franchisors to exhibit that marketing strength. Consider what this does to a candidate’s perception of the brand.

Now, with our enhanced tools, every franchisor has the opportunity to populate their FLS listings with high-quality one-sheets – and brokers are reaping the benefits!

The Voices of Our Brokers Embracing the Change

You could hear this same sentiment during our mentoring call. One broker started the conversation, “Do you guys use the new one sheets?” To which there was a quick response, “I do. I love them.” 

Whenever I would encounter a listing that lacked a one-sheet, I had to use the default option…a generic layout sourced from the FLS. It was in these moments that I’d choose to feature a different franchise, one that showcased their brand properly. It’s like this…stand out or be overlooked. It’s in their hands.

We heard our brokers when they said compelling marketing materials are not optional – they’re indispensable for success. With this tool, completing a compelling listing is simple. Our Franchisor department guides brands through the entire process – because we believe every franchise and broker should get the opportunity to optimize their engagement within our association.

Stay tuned for more – because like we said, we won’t stop evolving!

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