Enthusiasm is a Common Characteristic of a Top Producer

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Mandy Baker“All high achieving sales professionals have high levels of enthusiasm,” says Focal Point Coaching Excellence, a business and executive coaching concept powered by Brian Tracy. Your enthusiasm is infectious, motivating your candidate and getting them to the close.

You don’t have to be “bouncing off the walls crazy”. All you need is the expectation of your own success in a very calm assertive way. To help increase your enthusiasm effectively, you can use the following rules for development and how to maintain it, based on the book The Ginger Talks by W.C. Holman, which was written in the early 1900’s and is still applicable today:

1. “Learn more about your product and services, in other words sell yourself; this is the first and most important sale that you’ll need to make every day.”

“It’s no use to try to start a flame of enthusiasm in somebody else, if your own mind is full of icy doubts.” – W.C. Holman

2. Product IQ! The more you understand what your product is, which for us is our concept inventory, and how it benefits your candidates the more you become enthusiastic about the services that you provide.

“Thorough knowledge of your product and a real appreciation for what it will do for you customer produce enthusiasm.” – from Successful Salesmanship.

Having a true appreciation for the services that you provide your candidates and the benefits that it brings them will close the deal! This means that you have to believe that it benefits your candidates more than it benefits you or your business from selling it. This ideal will create miracles.

“Be on the lookout for the miracles that are achieved from using your product or service” says Focal Point and I agree! You create miracles and build dreams… now believe in it and create enthusiasm to close more deals!

Read the full “I Am Sold Myself” article by Focal Point Coaching Excellence powered by Brian Tracy here.

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