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When one of our top franchise brokers called me to tell me that the elusive Execunet sponsorship had recently become available, I was very interested. Execunet is an executive recruiting website for professionals earning $150,000 a year or more. Execunet creates multiple professional opportunities for its members through resume posting, networking, and executive-level education programs.

The oldest franchise broker group in the industry had a tight hold on the sponsorship for many years. When it became available our franchise broker Anita Best contacted us right away to discuss the lead options available to our brokers. She is a master networker and shared how her interaction with the company had yielded successful results dealing with high quality leads.

We jumped on the opportunity to give our brokers another source of high quality leads. We signed an exclusive contract with them that allows us to renew annually and give our brokers first rights over any Execunet networking event across the country.

Currently we have just launched the beta version of this program. It will take us a little time to assess the lead flow, the messaging, and the systems, but we are confident we are taking another huge step in helping to develop our broker members.

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