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Today the FBA is officially moving to our new Members 2.0 platform. It marks a very special point in our companies history, and an amazing new platform for all our members to grow their businesses. As we’ve shown and discussed throughout July you’ve been able to see a few of the key features our new system is able to offer our members. Now it’s time to make the jump and get off the launch pad. If you haven’t already make sure you’ve contacted the FBA and got your new Member login information. You’ll be glad you did.

In truth, this really is not a website. It’s a very sophisticated online application. Through the development phase we’ve taken each franchise and been able to extract hundreds of different details about the business. We then take this data and use it in amazing new ways. We’ve taken and improved all the features our brokers love the most and made them even better. The most important thing in our mind is that this is only the beginning. With this new platform we have an incredible new opportunity to develop even more innovative ways to help our members and their clients find the perfect franchise and to access incredible training’s.

The initial response from our Franchisors and Broker members is that they are really enjoying the Connect features. It’s something so important to growing a successful career as a franchise broker, and as a franchise looking to grow their business with franchise brokers. Now all our members can converse with businesses they are interested in or about specific topics and stay connected all year round.

The FBA staff has been working so hard to be able to launch this website. I appreciate their patience, support and hard work over the past year and especially the past two months. I am so proud to have each person on our team. Everyone here has helped contribute to this launch and are continuing to help with the transition. It’s funny, we also just wrapped up a training class for the Franchise Training Institute this week as well and we had a new broker comment on the staff. He said he could see the passion in everyone he met – and could tell that they all really cared about the business and about helping him get started. He was also like, “I’m surprised at how young you all are but I remember when I was in my 30’s and how driven I was to succeed. I can see that in you guys. You’re really doing it.”

He’s right. We are driven. We are all passionate about franchises and business ownership. Being a business owner is one of the most empowering and scary things you can do. It’s also one of the most rewarding and best ways to take control of your life. We hope that this new advancement into 2.0 will help all our members to find the right candidates for the right franchise. Businesses building businesses. It’s a great time to be in the FBA.

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