FastSigns Franchise

From Construction Sites to FastSigns

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Finding the Right Franchise Fit through FBA Brokers

After 25 hard-working years working as a construction site manager following serving in the military, Darren Lawrence was ready for a new opportunity. His site manager job required him to work late nights until sunrise, and he was looking for a better schedule for his lifestyle. Darren realized that he should reap his rewards in the form of his own business, where he could continue to work hard, but with work better hours, and for himself.

Darren reached out to Chuck McKinney regarding franchise opportunities in the restaurant business outside of Dallas, where he lived. They took time to get to know each other, and began looking at franchising options. When they came across FastSigns, Chuck learned that Darren had experience in this industry due to working alongside sign companies for construction sites. It intrigued Darren to be on the opposite side of the business from where he was, and they began researching potential of the franchise opportunity with FastSigns.

“He had a tremendous amount of passion about owning a business,” Chuck said. “The amount of support he was going to get through FastSigns was a big factor in the decision. FastSigns has an excellent model that provides support from the beginning to site selection and beyond.”

It was clear to Darren that FastSigns was a top-notch organization. As a bonus, the FastSigns headquarters is located in Dallas, so he was able to meet with the management team directly. A veterans program additionally provides discounts on franchise fees for veterans, which allowed a hybrid funding strategy to come into place for Darren.

After reviewing the requirements of restaurant ownership, Darren was happy that he could work in a normal 5-day work-week rather than 7 days restaurants typically run. Darren and Chuck continue to maintain a strong working relationship, showing that success – with research and asking the right questions – produces the right franchise.

For a limited time, FBA is opening access to franchise consultants with limited requirements to undergo Franchise Training Institute for those who qualify. You will receive access to the largest franchise database available 3,300+ franchises including 865 who work with brokers! Join now and also receive an opportunity to attend the 11th Annual Franchise Brokers Conference & Expo this Nov. in Orlando, FL. Don’t miss your opportunity to collaborate with the best in the franchise business. Open membership will close Nov. 20th – sign-up today! Certain restrictions apply.

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