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Franchisor Spotlight: Commission Express

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If Real Estate Agents Had a Choice…
Would They Rather Be Paid In 2 Months or 2 Days?
Now They Have a Choice…
And You Have an Opportunity.

Commission Express businesses provide commission advances to real estate agents and brokers by purchasing their earned but unsettled commissions (accounts receivable) at a discount. It’s a business-to-business factoring transaction by which a third party (Real Estate Company or Settlement Agent) is directed under the Uniform Commercial Code to pay Commission Express upon settlement, usually within 30 to 60 days from the purchase date.

Franchisees enjoy the benefits of:

  • Internet Based Operating System
  • High Percentage Repeat Business
  • Reasonable Investment
  • Choose Protected or Open Market Territory
  • Demand Tied to Cash Flow Needs
  • Independence and Self-Satisfaction
  • Definable Target Market
  • Attractive Economic Potential
  • Training and Support
  • Defined Marketing Techniques
  • Equity Building
  • Unique Business
  • State Licensed Customers

Franchisees help customers manage their cash-flow in exchange for the opportunity to purchase pending receivables at a discount. Customers use the services because the process is easy, fast and reliable.  It is a situation where a reasonable exchange of values takes place, and where everyone has an opportunity to benefit.

After completing an Application Packet, customers submit the necessary documents to Commission Express for review. When approved, they can come to the offices to get their advance check or it will be mailed or the funds will be wired. The process usually takes less than two days.


Franchisees receive an intensive five day comprehensive training period at the Commission Express National offices. In addition, franchisees receive a turn-key operation consisting of:

  • Operational Techniques
  • Internet Based Operating System
  • Intuit QuickBooks Accounting
  • Hands-on Computer Processing
  • Updated Operating Documents
  • Ongoing Business Research and Advice
  • Customer Advertising Materials
  • Special Request Training
  • Effective Marketing Plan
  • Content Management System on Website
  • Annual Conference and Awards

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