Featured Concept with the FBA

Global Garage Flooring Joins the FBA!

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Global Garage FlooringThe FBA is pleased to announce that Global Garage Flooring has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!

Is your career headed to a place where there is too much fun, too much money, and not enough stress? I didn’t think so. Let’s talk about The Garage.

There is a growing awareness of the “Great Garage” and Global Garage© is right in the middle of it. This is a garage makeover business. We lay down concrete coatings on the floor and install cabinets and other storage solutions. It’s a simple, fun, profitable and well supported franchise.

1. The Market – There is a growing awareness of the “Great Garage”. The Global Garage businesses have had continuous Economic Expansion in each of the last four years. Our current business owners did well through the downturn and now that housing is rebounding, we are in the right place at the right time!! Lead generation is accomplished by investing in a significant marketing program. It will help you find lots of quality customers and keep their friends and families coming to you as well. This, along with an absolutely superb networking program, will not only keep your people and equipment busy, but your business profitable as well.

Global Garage works on Commercial Projects as well. Our concrete coatings have gone into everything from restaurants, to schools, to hangars, to showrooms, both indoors and outdoors. The places you can work are only limited by your imagination.

2. Profitability – This is a construction business where the typical profit margin is 50%! There is a good market backed by a good profit margin.

3. Support- Training, Training, Training!! 2 Weeks initial training. At Global Garage, we not only think “WHAT” we train is important, we think that “HOW” we train is important as well. Before coming to training, we will have all of your equipment, office, marketing and networking plans set-up and ready to go. After set-up is complete, you will train for a week inside a successful Global Garage business. We will then come home with you and spend another week training on your equipment in your market. Now that you have been trained well, you’re going to suffer from the side effects of good training, and that is EXCITEMENT!!!! Nothing sells better than excitement and it will help you get your Global Garage business off to a roaring start. You’ll implement these proven systems and they will soon become habit as you get busier and busier. Global Garage is also supported by the best product manufacturer in the business, HP Spartacote©. HP Spartacote did not incidentally start Global Garage. They do a fantastic job of producing the products and supporting the technical side of our business.

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