How Jane Stein Helped Her Clients to Leave a Legacy for their Kids
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Most parents want their kids to have a better life than they did. They constantly plan for their children’s futures from birth through childhood and, in many cases, beyond college. It’s not a burden, but a feeling of personal responsibility and an innate desire to provide for their children. Some even take this responsibility beyond their own lives. They seek to build a legacy to ensure that their children will always be taken care of long after they are gone.
This is the story of a successful family and how they sought to achieve this goal through franchising. This family is one that has done amazing things in their life and accomplished much. They had two beautiful twin girls and always provided them with every advantage they could in life. However, they had a simple rule:  their children had to learn and understand the importance of being able to provide for yourself and take responsibility for your actions.
The girls grew up and went to college, each choosing a degree that they felt was appropriate for them and would put them on the path to their independence. They studied hard and did well, but sometimes plans change. While one sister landed an amazing opportunity immediately after graduating, the other had decided that her passion was not in what she had studied. She wanted something different out of life and was left at a crossroads:  go back to school or go into the world and make it your own way.
Her parents, being the providers that they were, sought to help their daughter with her decision. They wanted to help her find a business of her own in which she could grow and develop herself. They felt that a franchise could provide their daughter with the infrastructure of a controlled system in which she could create something of her own. So they embarked on the quest to find the best franchise system that would match their goals and their daughter’s personality. While the daughter was very intelligent and competent, she was also very introverted and shy.

Jane Stein, CFB
Jane Stein, Certified Franchise Broker

Not wanting to leave the decision of a franchise up to chance and marketing they sought the advice of Certified Franchise Broker Jane Stein, CEO of Your Franchise Is Waiting.
Jane is an expert in the Franchise Consulting industry and has assisted numerous families to discover their perfect franchise. Her skill and technique in her profession has led her to receive awards and recognition from the Franchise Brokers Association.
When we asked Jane about why she enjoys being a Franchise Consultant she said “I love business and learning about new businesses every day. After 25 years in the Financial Services industry I was ready for something new. My process as a franchise consultant is fun, thorough, and simplifies what is needed to successfully navigate through all the options. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience helping others find the courage to reinvent themselves. I always ensure that my clients get the answers they need so they have the confidence to move forward with a vetted opportunity.”
“I especially enjoy helping women experience the same empowerment I have found in business ownership. It gives me great pleasure to be a conduit to help people stuck in their careers find the freedom and satisfaction in business ownership. “
Jane’s process usually begins by having her candidates complete a SpotOn! assessment. The results of this tool allows her to scientifically narrow down the types of  businesses that will lead to her candidate’s business success.

“These assessments are much more than a simple personality test. I find the information I get from them are critical in determining a good fit for the candidate. They’re easy to take and give me a great place for me to begin my work.”
Through our calls together I confirmed the assessments results that the daughter was very shy and would need a specific type of franchise.  I even found it challenging at times to keep her actively engaged in the conversation. It was clear that the mother would be very involved with the business to do whatever it took to ensure that her daughter was successful. We continued on and began to narrow down the selections.”

One of the concepts that Jane presented was Scout and Molly’s, a rapidly expanding and popular franchise. Their locations are relaxed and comfortable boutique fashion storefronts catering to women of mid to high incomes. It clicked immediately with the daughter’s personal aspirations and it was a perfect business that matched well with the mothers own marketing business. But the details still needed to be worked through. Would the daughter run the locations? Would she have the experience necessary to be successful with more than one store?
As Jane knew, Scout and Molly’s was also the perfect business fit. It’s a concept with a semi-absentee business model of “manage-the-manager.” This would allow her client to only have to work with the managers and ensure they were following the franchise’s process. When Jane introduced her clients to Scout and Molly’s, their representative Nesa Opp felt that her candidate didn’t fit their ideal candidate. They would normally want someone with more experience. However, because the mother was so adamant that she would do everything and anything it took to make the business work, they agreed to open the territory to them.
All that remained was to attend a Discovery Day so that they could see the business in person and make their final decision. Unfortunately, this was one of the biggest challenges of the entire deal. The mother had a difficult time getting away from her responsibilities and found it challenging to attend. This went on for several months, and during that time someone else became interested in the territory.
Out of respect, Scout and Molly’s reached out to the mother and Jane to let them know that someone else had become highly interested. They had also scheduled a date to attend the Discovery Day. Within two days of hearing this, the family scheduled a date for their Discovery Day. The whole family went, and by the end of the day everyone was completely thrilled.
In the end they had decided on purchasing 3 Units!
“They went into the store, and quickly fell in love. They felt it was such a good concept for their daughter and moved forward with their decision. They were so happy to enter into the system. I kept hearing from them that this is was a concept they could capitalize on with their own network of wealthy associates.  It was a perfect fit for their family.”
Congratulations Jane! Great job.

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