FBA Team at Leadercast 2015
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We all have our fears and doubts. However, it’s how we confront these fears and overcome them that shape our story through life. Every day business owners go into the unknown with little more than their personal resolve and desire to move their business forward. Those that can press forward through the unknown and adversity are The Brave Ones. In their journey they can inspire those around them and encourage others to follow. This was the message of this years Leadercast.
Leadercast is an amazing annual event that brings together people from all over the world to listen to speakers who discuss ideas and thoughts on the concept of leadership. It is a live event in Atlanta, GA but is also screen cast all over the world simultaneously. The resulting event is one that unites people together and gets them talking all over social media and in their workplaces. The FBA finds incredible value in bringing our team to this event.
If you know anything at all about the FBA’s founder Sabrina Wall you will know that she loves motivational speakers and personal development. It’s something that she has embraced since she was a small girl and continues to enjoy. As her husband, I see her almost every weekend with a new book about one concept or another she is learning about. The Leadercast event exhibits exactly the tone she wants to set for her team because all the speakers and stories are aimed at the human heart and experience. Leadership isn’t reserved for just those with a “C” in their title. The team at FBA are all leaders and each one of them teach others in our organization something new just about every day. Their positions literally place them in direct contact of influencing and interfacing with brokers and franchise concepts that shape the world of franchising and communities around the world.
As an organization the FBA recognizes the ripple effect people have on the world around them. Especially when you’re dealing with individuals moving into owning their own business and often times committing to one of their lives most crucial decisions. For this simple fact we are dedicated to developing our team to be the best so we can make our members the best.
The 2015 Leadercast event kicked off with Andy Stanley who is a renowned speaker and pastor as well as a regular at Leadercast. His talks are always so inspirational and I always find myself thinking about them for days after.
He asked the audience to ask themselves two questions: a head question and a heart question. The two questions help to set your destination and put your desire behind your actions to achieve it.

The head question was “What do I believe is impossible but if could be done would fundamentally change my business.” – Joel Barker

The heart quote was “I am doing a great work and cannot come down” – Nehemiah

What I took away from this talk was to constantly search for what will make a difference and have the strength of focus to see it through. Andy spoke of having an unreasonable commitment to do what should be and don’t allow anything to deter you. All the meetings and daily distractions could easily pull you away from what is truly important. When you have defined what is truly important you have to believe in it with all your heart. That love and dedication will give you the strength you need to succeed.
Bill Mc Dermott of CEO of SAP was one of my personal favorite speakers from the previous year.  I found him unique because of his humble beginnings and amazing journey to success. He was just as inspiring this year, and my favorite take away was something we constantly strive for here at FBA. “Focus on the white space of what has NOT been done.” This is something so important and is a core value with everyone here at the FBA. Since our beginnings seven years ago this has been our focus. We are constantly striving to raise the bar of what it means to be a Franchise Broker. Ethically, educationally, professionally and successfully. It also goes right along with Andy Stanley’s point of discovering that thing in your business that if existed would fundamentally change the industry.
CMDR Rorke Denver, a former Navy SEAL Commander & Author did a great job or communicating that to be brave you must face your fears and “lean into the pain!” This is the only way you’ll be able overcome them. He was also practical about facing them and illustrated his point with the comment “Always choose your backpack wisely. You will always fill it.” He was speaking of being able to choose the amount of work carefully. Saying yes to everything will eventually weigh you down and you’ll end up being bogged down.
Malala Yousafzai, The youngest Nobel Prize Winner & Founder of the Malala Fund had a prerecorded interview with Dr. Henry Cloud. Named as one of the most influential people in the 2013 TIME magazine her story is one of unwavering bravery. Growing up in a small village of Swat in Pakistan she was fortunate enough to have a father who championed her to go to school. However, when the Taliban took over her town she was suddenly forced into a chaotic and violent envoronment. The Taliban destroyed schools all over the town and she spoke of how every morning there would be the bodies of those who had resisted or spoke out about education.
She did not succumb to this fear and, inspired by her father, she and continued to attend school. In October 2012, the then 15-year-old Malala was shot by the Taliban while traveling home from school on the bus with her friends. She survived however and instead of using that experience to be afraid and give in she discovered a fierce intensity. This intensity grew and since then she has been speaking out internationally for the right for everyone to receive an education.
I was surprised to see Seth Goodwin an Innovative thinker and author of a book, Purple Cow. I have read and thought of this book for years and it was interesting to see him speak. In the book he relates businesses to cows. He says too often businesses are boring and they aren’t unique or inspire people. Imagine, if you were driving cross country and as you pass miles and miles of farmland you would inevitably see cow after cow. Your trip would be pretty uneventful. However, lets say you come across something different. Something you’ve never seen before The Purple Cow. Now that  would be something unique. Something that stands out so much that you are forced to pull over. You’d take pictures, upload the pictures to Facebook tell all your friends you discovered a Purple Cow.
Seth then asks the crowd to raise their hands. Of course, we all do. Then he says, “OK now raise your hand a little higher.” The point he is making is “We all hold back. However, to create the change and growth we desire we have to be all in. We must be unreasonable in our pursuit to want and own something. We must treat every opportunity like it is your last one.”
I won’t go into all the speakers here in this blog, because I would be here all day. I must, however, tell you more more story about Aja Brown, the Mayor of Compton California. She is the youngest elected Mayor at just 31; and Since being elected she has made significant improvements for improving the quality of life for residents of her community. You probably are already aware that Compton has long had a negative reputation of strong gang activity. Since becoming mayor she worked directly with the gangs and brought them all together on the basis of community and asked them what could be done to stop the violence. I’m not sure about you but I think it’s pretty brave. With this and several other initiatives and community programs she reduced the gang related violence by 78% in one year!
Hearing her speak was remarkable. She wasn’t as polished a speaker as the others. She had troubles with the teleprompter not keeping up with her speaking and as a result stumbled on her words temporarily. This didn’t bother anyone though because it felt real. It made you realize the impact normal people have on others and communities. She was just a person who wanted to improve her city and to feel safe. She asked herself, “If not me, then who?” and took that challenge seriously.
It seemed to me that Ajas story was the solid truth of the message all the speakers had been saying all day. Stay focused. Be brave. Be unrelenting and unreasonable with your goals. Have faith in yourself and belief in your journey.

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