FBA’s Core Values

Living FBA’s Core Values: Create an Interconnected Community

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We have 5 core values at the FBA. They are as follows:

  1. Deliver rapid results
  2. Always be trustworthy and reliable
  3. See and expect the best in others
  4. Create an interconnected community 
  5. Make a difference

Today, I want to talk about Creating an Interconnected Community.  

When we see others as competition to us, we are in a state of lack.  At that conscious level, we hide, we withhold, we fight, we judge, we condemn and we do all the things that make us and others feel awful.  We use these things as a way of protecting ourselves.  We think we are validated in our efforts and that we “have to” do it that way in order to stand out, be protected, be noticed, etc.  And when we decide to operate in that state of lack, you do stand out.  But you stand out – not in the way you might think.  

Outward aggression is an act of fear.  When you are in the fear of lack – you are wearing that fear around like a posterboard.  You are showing everyone around you what you can and can’t handle because your messages are not subtle. 

You may not notice this or may deny this in your current way of living, but that’s only because it’s so normal to you and everyone around you – that you aren’t seeing what you are doing.  “Forgive them for they know not what they do,” is a true message. In this conscious state, you are likely unaware of what you are telling everyone you interact with.  

But, as you start cleaning the layers of fear, lack, and baggage from your mind, you begin to see.  

You see the fear of lack in the actions you take and certainly in the actions of others as well.  You start to recognize what you are doing and with this new clarity, you are able to face those layers of fear and release them.  

Only then can you choose something new.  You can choose to have and receive instead of choosing to lack and outwardly display that fear.  But you can’t get to “having” and “receiving” if you don’t first do the work to clean out the clutter of the fears that live in your mind.  

Now as someone who is part of a healing community, there are MANY among us who are evolving beyond the fear of lack and that is why we have been able to have such a collaborative group of brokers sharing and working together regularly.  They understand that they give, but they also gain in this community.  They are giving and receiving.  An example is when they are attending mentoring sessions and collaboration events through the association.  Members find ways to work together, work through issues, and support each other when they need it most.  

Sometimes, franchise sales are hard.

If you recently had a disappointing deal or a client changed their mind at the last minute or a Franchise and Buyer just couldn’t work it out, in those situations, there is frustration and a charge that comes with those experiences.  Sometimes we need friends, who understand, who know us, and who are able to be there for us and show us the support we need to release that charge and move forward to the next Buyer.  

We also know that in this healing community, we all have different talents and backgrounds.  It’s incredible the backgrounds and high-level experience that live right here – in each of our brokers and franchisors.  We could literally change the world with the amount of talent right here.  And when we can bring those beautiful talents and experiences out in the community and utilize them to support the group –  that is a powerful initiative in creating an Interconnected Community who is Making a Difference.  

We are doing work that not a lot of other people in any other company get to experience.  We are becoming healed.  We are allowing everyone to be a leader at something, connecting each “leader of this” to the next “leader of that”, that’s when we start to move into a new paradigm of experience.  That’s when we begin to celebrate the person and the gifts of each member of the community and in that celebration, we create connection, lasting connection.  We create understanding and we create collaboration.  That is something worth working on.  It’s something that we all benefit from.  

Reflection Questions

  1. What are your unique talents and gifts you are ready to share with this Interconnected Community?  
  2. What are the fears of lack you are ready to let go of?  
  3. What can you do to interconnect yourself with someone in this group TODAY?  

Answer these three questions so we can start to have everyone know how powerful and wonderful you are outside of your fears.  

We are ready to know you at your full potential sans the fear.  We are ready to see you as our beautifully interconnected community. 

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