Featured Concept with the FBA

Lodie’s Shaved Ice Shack Joins the FBA!

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Lodie's Shaved Ice ShackThe FBA is pleased to announce that Lodie’s Shaved Ice Shack has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!

The Lodie’s Advantage

Mobility with Stability

Other shaved ice businesses require you to drive a truck everyday. Imagine waking up every morning and never knowing where you will work that day and every night returning home only to continue working to prep everything for the next day. With Lodie’s we have taken the low overhead associated with being mobile and created a system that allows you to serve return customers in the same place everyday. There is no guesswork involved. You know your customers and they always know where to find you.

Flavor Variety

With Lodie’s you are not limited to 10 flavors. You will always stock over 60 flavors with endless combinations as well as toppings and ice cream to make everybody’s preference possible. Our menu includes both traditional shaved ice flavors as well as a healthy choices menu. Between our Lodie’s original, cream, sugar-free, all natural, and protein flavors everyone is sure to find something they love.

Strategic Phased Growth

Our model is designed to grow your business in phases. When you do decide to have a mobile cart to supplement your business life is made easy for you. Your main location serves as a hub where your fans can contact and book you for their events. Then the new fans you create at events can be referred to your main location where they can find you everyday.

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