Featured Franchise Concept

Luv4 Marketing Joins the FBA!

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Luv4 MarketingThe FBA is excited to announce that Luv4 Marketing has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!
With a superb Team based in the UK and the USA, we are set to deliver first class training and systems to hundreds of ambitious Marketers, who in turn will deliver results to thousands of businesses around the world!
In 2007 Social Marketing was literally unheard of; tablets, mobile devices and the way people search online has all changed. Gone are the days where dozens of flyers used to fall through our letterboxes selling various services – instead they now appear in our inbox.
My first business was a vacation rentals business. During its very first year the only way to generate a visitor was via Pay Per Click, so in my eyes providing I had the right stock, it was simple math. The more I spent, the more I would earn. In Year 1, £31,000 Pay Per Click investment generated £51,000 in return. It certainly isn’t a cost when you are making money!
After mastering Pay Per Click, by the very nature of not wanting to pay for that space I moved onto Search Engine Optimization (SEO), generating £74,000 in Year 2 without spending anything on Pay Per Click advertising. In Year 3, I decided to do both and earn even more…… as well as starting to focus on Facebook and so on..
Why do I explain this in detail? If I hadn’t invested in these vital areas of online marketing, my business wouldn’t be where it is today. Times move on, so must we. For businesses that adapt and progress win. For those that don’t, don’t.
These recent years have seen some major business fall due to the Internet. Just look at Blockbuster Video, Jessop’s (albeit they returned with an online presence), Woolworths who also re-launched as an online retail store albeit entirely independent of the former Woolworths Group, and many more. How can any business owner think they don’t need to focus on online strategy for their business? The truth is they do know, but just don’t how or where to start.
Fear of the unknown is the primary reason for not investing in Marketing. Lack of strategy and knowledge are all key elements of why a business isn’t growing at the speed it deserves. Luv4 Marketing is the answer to that problem.

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