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Networking is a key in building business these days.  With most everyone hesitant about spending money, most importantly not wanting to spend unnecessarily or wastefully, building relationships is the best way to make your customers and clients secure in investing in your services.  Networking allows you to meet members of your community, create mutually beneficial relationships and foster opportunities for referrals.  Your connections know you, relate with you and trust you.  When they, or someone they know, are in need of services you provide, you will be the first name on their lips.  However, if you are like the vast majority of individuals (myself included) networking may impart some anxiety; there’s nerves, awkward silences, not knowing what to say or when there’s no need to say anymore and how to end a conversation smoothly.  Networking, though key, does not come easily for everyone (if you’re one of the lucky few, congratulations from the rest of us).

I will be documenting some of my experiences, from specific networking events I’ll attend to groups I’ve joined, as well as noting suggestions and resources from the experts.   I’m currently researching organizations and events that would be beneficial for me (and my company) to participate in, including Toastmasters, Public Relations Society of America, skill workshops, and more.

As I start my journey of self improvement (because, after all, knowing how to work a room is an art) and relationship building for the FBA, I’ve found an excellent article to help with my first steps, “Master Networkers Ask the Right Questions.”

Ivan Misner’s first suggested question to ask “What do you like most about what you do?” which is the perfect jump off point into a full-fledged conversation with your new contact.  Another is “Where else do you usually network?” which will provide ideas of other events and groups to look into to broaden your networking scope. And, finally, “How can I help you?” by learning what they are looking for you can learn how to build a strong relationship based on collaboration and support.

Read the full article from Entrepreneur here.

Do you have any suggestions that Misner left out?

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