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Photo_ClassesEvery week we have a Monday morning meeting for our franchise brokers called the Executive Mentoring Forum (EMF) where we have the Executive Director (me) or senior franchise brokers host a webinar to talk to the team of brokers.  This has been by far one of our most popular meetings and is regularly attended by a large group of our franchise brokers.  We think the high attendance is because we all need a team to talk to on a regular basis.  It helps keep us motivated, on track, and thinking about ways to improve our business.

On the EMF, we go over 20-40 minutes of training on some topic involving franchise brokering.  Then we go over questions the brokers need help with, then a weekly inspiration, and then we close it out with a case study of a successful deal closing and what the broker went through to complete the transaction.  The brokers help each other, provide suggestions for things that have worked, warnings for things that haven’t worked, and encourage each other.  It’s awesome to see that kind of open collaboration.

The meetings get the franchise brokers in the right frame of mind for the week.  We believe that your attitude affects your reality so if you are happy, good things happen for you and if you are stressed, challenges keep coming.  We want to thank all the dedicated franchise brokers who show up week after week for their commitment to their business.  You guys are awesome and deserve accolades for your commitment.  Thank you for being part of our team!!!!

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