Painter1 franchise
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Painting franchises are nothing new. However, with the rise of Painter1 we are seeing a renewed interest in this segment. The reason is due to the competitive advantages and a fresh take on an already successful model.
Painter1’s leadership bring a long history of success from the previous franchise and has modernized the model for today’s marketplace.
FBA Broker Rich K. was introduced to his client by using the FBA Vendor Member Franchise Farm. Richs’ client was a displaced corporate exec who had spent the last 20 years in corporate America before being let go due to downsizing. After this experience, his client couldn’t bear to go back to the job market. He wanted more control over his life but didn’t have a lot of capital or a great credit score to spend on a big business. Enter Painter1.
Rich says, “We were looking at a few different concepts within his budget but as soon as he met with Conrad and Jason from Painter1 that was it. He immediately stopped speaking to everyone else and we got the deal done. He told me that it felt like this was a family and that really stood out to him.”

More about the Painter1 franchise model

Painter1 is unique in offering ongoing unparalleled support inside the franchise family, they are invested in the success of each franchise. All franchise owners get a part of the the 10% owner’s equity pool of the franchise system which means; the strength of each individual location adds to the strength the entire brand.
At Painter1 they know what it’s like to operate, own and run a successful painting business AND a successful painting franchise. The founders of Painter1 have previously run and operated a large painting franchise as well as a local painting franchise business and understand all the inner workings of owning and operating a franchise painting business. The founders currently operate their own Painter1 franchises in multiple locations and we operate the franchise itself. When you talk to the team, you’re not relying on old, outdated thoughts and theories, you’re getting current, collaborated, first-hand information that we all share freely! Furthermore, they are in this to grow the brand. They have already taken care of the long, dreaded process of researching various competitors for you.
Painter1 offers the lowest upfront franchise fee, while maintaining the lowest royalty and ad fund!

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