Power of Your Subconscious Mind

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I was on the phone with a prospective new broker the other day. He and I started talking about how he was an immigrant who started with nothing and worked his way up to be a very successful owner of many businesses. It was delightful to chat with him. We got on the subject of inspirational books to read. I LOVE developmental, motivational, and  inspirational books and audible books. I have been an avid consumer of them for the last 11 years. I prefer an inspirational book over a novel any day.

Anyway, this intriguing gentleman suggested some books I should read. Since I was about to head out for our family vacation it was perfect timing. I listened to the audible book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. It’s an interesting read. It talks about the power of autosuggestion. He describes the subconscious mind as a garden where we can plant anything of our dreams or desires. However, most people plant their fruit-bearing seeds right along with poisonous plants which infect the harvest. He goes on to give many suggestions about prayers or affirmations that one can say to reprogram the subconscious mind to create a bountiful harvest.

I truly believe that we create our life by the thoughts we think. No matter what the situation or circumstance of your life, with the right frame of mind, you can have a much better experience and affect your reality. So this week, make sure to pay attention to the seeds you are planting in your subconscious mind. Remember, you are in control of your life, your reality, and your experience. You can have anything you can imagine for yourself. Dream big!

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