The FBA is pleased to announce that ProfitPlus Accounts has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!
Grow a firm of bookkeepers or build a single operated, successful Bookkeeping business. The size of your firm will depend on your vision for your future!
As a ProfitPlus Accounts franchisee, you will benefit from expert help so that you can develop and grow your ProfitPlus Accounts franchise. You will be supported through your initial startup phase with ways to cut costs, hire and manage your people, management your business financially, development of business plans, goal setting and marketing.
You will learn techniques to market your franchise within your local business community, and how to implement a combined web, email, Facebook, LinkedIn, local portals, direct mail and much more to gain clients and grow your business.
You will benefit from world-class product to gain clients in bookkeeping, planning, cash flow assessment and growth, profit assessment and growth and much more.
As your Franchisor we are here to listen to your needs, offer ongoing support, work with you regularly in support of you and your franchise and coach you toward success.
We have a variety of support programs to help you, including: telephone, forums, email, face to face visits, planning sessions, workgroups between other franchisees, the franchisor and your coaches.