Ranking High with Your Blog Article

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Joel CruzadaLast month, I gave you a quick review of “The 25 Basic Styles of Blogging” by Rohit Bhargava.  To read my post from last month, click here.  To read the full article by Rohit Bhargava, click here.
Nowadays, more and more people are talking about blogging and how important it is to your website to increase your site visitors. Writing a great blog post is only half the battle. This month, I want to give you some tips on how you can get your blog article ranked high.
Here are some of the things I do to ensure that my blog articles get ranked high and work within Google’s algorithms. Some of these items you may understand and some may be a little over your head, so feel free to drop me an email or connect with me through our Members Site and I will be more than happy to explain it in more detail:

  1. Research the keyword that you would like to build your blog article around. See how competitive it is and how popular it is. Google’s Keywords Tool through Adwords can help you with this.
  2. Once you find your keyword, make sure it is part of your title and use it throughout your article. This is called keyword density. The keyword density is the amount of keywords you use in comparison to the amount of words in your article. Make sure your keyword density is no more than 5%. So if you write an article with 500 words, then you can use your keyword about 25 times in the article.
  3. Write your article with no less than 400 words. Anything less will not be indexed by Google and will be looked at as spam content in some cases.
  4. DO NOT COPY or duplicate content and post it on your site. If you copy content, make sure you reference it and you write enough copy to make sure that you have more original content, than you do copied content. If Google detects that your article has a large percentage of duplicate content, it will see it as a spam site. Remember, Google is focusing more on original content to deliver to its customers. Why would they want to show sites with the same content?
  5. Use the Yoast SEO plugin tool that is included with your WordPress site. If you did not get it pre-installed, you can easily install it through your Wrodpress dashboard. This tool will help you take your keyword and populate all of the meta areas of your blog including, title tags, description, etc. This tool will also guide you and show you if your keyword density is up to par, if your images include alt tags with the keyword, if you have outbound links or internal links, etc.
  6. Make sure you use a good amount of original photos in your blog that have alt tags with your keyword. These photos will also be indexed by Google and when they are found by search engines, will link directly back to your website.
  7. Research sites that would be willing to post your article or subscribe to your blog site and feature your article every time you release a feature. This will be counted as a back link and will definitely assist with your SEO efforts. This takes some time and some work getting site owners to want to feature your original content on their site.
  8. Lastly, copy your blog article URL and post the link on all of your social media sites and share it as much as possible. Make sure you include it in your monthly email campaign. The more it gets shared the more the link to your article spreads across the internet and the more Google will be able to trace it back to your site and see that you are credible site.

Hope that helps you start your day off right Set aside a day to do your blogging and make sure you have fun doing it. Don’t forget to add a personal touch to each blog as well as this will always keep it entertaining to the reader.

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