Sabrina Named in Local Hero Award

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Through the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative program Bank of America recognizes, nurtures, and rewards community-based organizations, local heroes and student leaders working to improve their communities.

This year’s event, which took place on the set of the Orlando Repertory Theatre’s production of “The House at Pooh Corner,” opened with a skit in which Pooh Corner’s Rabbit and Eeyore mistook the bank’s “money” for “honey.” Bank of America’s Central Florida President, John Moskos, presented $450,000 to two Central Florida nonprofit organizations, five community leaders and a group of high-achieving students in a Winnie-the-Pooh-themed ceremony at Orlando Repertory Theatre.

FBA Executive Director, Sabrina Carter, was announced as a recipient of the Central Florida Local Hero Award.  Sabrina was recognized for her commitment and dedication to the Children’s Home Society‘s MODEL Mentor Program. “I was so surprised to hear that I had received the award! There are so many wonderful people in Central Florida who consistently give back to the community and I am honored to be selected out of such a prestigious group.”

The MODEL Program provides quality adult mentors to children and youth ages 4 to 18 years who have an incarcerated parent. Through this program, Sabrina was matched with a young lady named Danielle.  She has helped Danielle find self esteem, self worth and improve her outlook on life and her own potential through this program.  Sabrina helped Danielle through some difficult times by writing out personal affirmations in Danielle’s journal together; Sabrina encouraged her to write “I’m strong,” “I’m beautiful,” “I’m deserving,” “I’m worthy,” and to believe it.


During Sabrina’s acceptance speech, she thanked Bank of America for their generous donation (each Hero was given $5,000 to donate to a charity in their honor, Sabrina chose the MODEL Mentor program) and her friends and family for their support.  Sabrina moved the audience as she spoke of her time spent with Danielle, and how it has impacted her life as much as it has Danielle’s.

The selection committee was comprised of a group of recognized Florida individuals, including Former Orlando Mayor and Secretary of State Glenda Hood; Rollins College President, Emerita, Dr. Rita Bornstein; President & CEO of Community Foundation of Central Florida, Mr. Mark Brewer; V.P., Community Relations & Government Affairs for Orlando Magic, Linda Landman Gonzalez; and other prominent community members and leaders.

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