We’re All Students of Earth School: This is How we Evolve

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The first time I ever heard of the concept Earth School, I was only just beginning to realize that the Advancement of Human Potential was not only possible, but that I was on the cusp of moving into that state.

Meaning, I was still deeply submerged in my otherwise worldly state of being.

It was during a conversation I had with Sabrina Wall–FBA’s Founder and CEO–where she introduced me to Earth School. Reader, I wish you could have been a fly on the wall. That one conversation gifted me an insight into life that hadn’t been clear before.

In essence, imagine you are a student lucky enough to be granted admission into Earth School. Every day, every person, every celebration, every problem, every thing is a lesson. And your only homework at this school is to flow through each moment, following the path of those lessons – and there you will find peace and fulfillment in the process. 


Of course, these things always seem easier said than done. But my first thought was, can it really be this simple? 

To break this concept down even further – Earth School means you don’t have to have it all figured out right now. You don’t need to know what’s ahead every step of the way. You’re just an eager student. An overachiever, maybe. But figuring it out…that’s life’s job – to present the lessons when you’re ready to learn them.

And wouldn’t you agree that life certainly has a sense of humor, sending some lessons over and over (and over) again?

Now, depending on your personal, professional, and spiritual bias – my story may come across ever so slightly “Woo Woo,” or if you’re unfamiliar with that slang – you could call these thoughts unconventional.

But I think that’s precisely what the Advancement of Human Potential means – to me, at least. I see it as taking the unconventional path, which is sometimes an uncomfortable, bumpy road. It means moving past ourselves, quieting the thoughts that anchor us, and being brave enough to give up the insatiable desire to tend to our immediate “needs” and “wants.” By doing so, what’s actually in alignment with us has space to arrive.  

To truly advance to the next level–the one that frees you, me, and anyone else feeling trapped–I have come to understand that the only thing to do is relinquish control. 

At this point in my realizations, a question arose within me. When relinquishing control, what actions do I continue taking?

Well, I found that through the pursuit of Advancing my own Human Potential, there’s been more inspired actions taking place. It’s become easier to fall into the trusting arms of intuition. And saying YES to change and periods of growth are less uncomfortable. The list goes on.

Okay, so what does all of this have to do with FBA? And more importantly, YOU.

Well, at the Franchise Brokers Association, we aim to help the people in our association (and the people they associate with) step into their own advancement and potential. As we say at FBA, we are leaders, creating leaders, creating leaders.

Otherwise known as the trickle-down effect.

My role, as FBA’s copywriter, put simply – is to communicate with you. So as you read this, and (hopefully) take the decision to ponder these internal advancing concepts – our mission is coming to fruition. At the end of the day, we love when our people find their purpose in franchising – however, our compass is here to guide you wherever you’re meant to go. 

The Advancement of Human Potential doesn’t happen all at once or overnight, but the process can bud from someone you meet, one seemingly random conversation, an article you found on the internet – and certainly, one decision that you make to pursue this path for yourself. 

So, what does the Advancement of Human Potential mean to you? And what will you do about it?

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