Featured Concept with the FBA

Waffle Brothers Joins the FBA!

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Waffle BrothersThe FBA is pleased to announce that Waffle Brothers has been added to our inventory as a Featured Concept!

he business of Master Franchising is growing as more and more people find out about the opportunity to own, develop and support a territory through franchising. One of the attractive reasons for owning a Master Franchise is the passive income it can generate through the royalty stream. It is also a very attractive investment for many who want to own their own business, for those who possess management, leadership or consulting experience and for those looking to own a business and to not have to work 50-60 hours a week every week.

Master Franchises typically cost from 150K-over 300K. The role of the Master or also called Regional Developer is to grow their territory through franchise sales and to provide support to their franchisees. Waffle Brothers provides training to the Masters on how to do just that. Masters make their money on franchise sales splitting the franchise fee with the franchisor 50/50 and through receiving 2.5% of franchisees gross revenue through royalties as well. A mature royalty stream has shown to produce a very attractive passive income. It is for these facts that Master Franchising is one of the best kept secrets in business today.

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