Zoracle Profiles
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Since we are all Superheroes, wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what our greatest Superpower is?

At this year’s FBA conference, we learned all about how we are heroes, stepping into our Superpowers! How can we create that safe space for our prospects to relay to us their hopes, dreams, and yes, their fears which stop them from attaining their greatness? How do we create that space for them to not only envision their futures, but to feel secure enough to step into those futures? And how can we understand the highest use of our own time and talent so that we can help them to express theirs?

Finding our own Superpowers!

Zoracle Profiles, FBA Vendor of the Year 2017We are supposed to put on our own oxygen mask first, before we place anyone else’s. So let’s fly high by finding out our own Superpowers so that we are armed with the gifts and abilities to help our clients discover their Superpowers and build their businesses and livelihoods.

If you’ve never taken an assessment, this is a great time to start. An actual assessment, or profiling tool, will help you understand what your own greatest strengths and values are so that you can harness your own talents and abilities to coach your prospects and clients through the franchise buying process.

As a follow up to the 2017 FBA Conference, we’ve arranged for Vendor of the Year Zoracle Profiles to offer you a complimentary assessment and a half-hour consultation to support you in uncovering your very own Superpower!

Regardless of if you’ve taken the profile before, or have never taken it at all, it’s time for a re-boost, reset and recharge so you can step into your highest Superpower! Get started now!


Tracy Kawa is trainer, coach and relationship manager at Zoracle Profiles. She can be reached at tracy@zoracle.net or 561-239- 0322.

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