
Where is Our Focus? New Website News


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Where is our focus? It’s on our valuable franchise broker members. One of our franchise brokers recently said to us, “The websites you design for your franchise brokers are better than your own.” This has been the case for a long time and tends to be a trend with our company. Our mission is to help our brokers succeed and we can get a little carried away with the goal. We did heed the comment as a valuable one however.

Ultimately, we are a part of how our franchise brokers present themselves and we need to present these amazing franchise brokers in the best possible light. We did have plans to redesign the public website; however we pushed the schedule up after this feedback.

Our design team worked diligently on the new public domain website. Chris Wall, our Creative & Marketing Director, went through an entire process of re-imagining how we present ourselves. He based the new site on the inspiration of Simon Sinek. Simon is an incredible inspirational speaker who talks about bringing the humanness into business interactions. For some great inspiration, check him out here.

So our new site is interactive, human, fun, and we hope you enjoy it. Take a look at our team profiles if you get a chance. They are a hoot.



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